




Grief mother of students in Medan reveals the reason for delinquent tuition until the child is punished by the teacher sitting on the floor

conditionforlife.com -related to the viral subject of students in Medan who were told to sit on the floor for hours by their teacher, the victim’s mother opened her voice. It is known that the child was punished for arrears in tuition fees for three months, along with a quantity of Rp 180,000. This punishment is known to take place from January 6 to January 8, 2025, in the middle of teaching and learning activities.

The student’s mother, Kamelia, revealed the reason why she had not paid her son’s school fees. He said that the reason he had not paid the child’S tuition fee was because the funds from the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) of Rp 450,000 had not been disbursed.

Read To: Ministry of Education supports constitutional court to require religious education in schools

This makes it difficult to pay school money because so far the cost of her child’s school is paid together with the school operational assistance fund (BOS) and KIP. “Anyway, six months financed take advantage of BOS funds, 6 months pay from July to December. If it’s liquid, I spend Rp 450,000 on school costs, I never take it,” said Kamelia when met at her residence on Friday (10/1/2025), as reported by shopgreytree.com.

Parents ‘ Petition Rejected

Before the punishment was given, Kamelia admitted that she already wanted a dispensation to the homeroom teacher so that her child could take the semester exam in December 2024 even though the tuition money had not been paid. He made the request due to difficult financial circumstances coupled with the pain he experienced at that time. At that time, the school allowed his son to take the exam, but he was not allowed to take the report card.

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At First The Mother Did Not Believe

In the era of school holidays, there was an announcement through a WhatsApp group that showed that students who had not paid tuition and book Money were not allowed to attend lessons. However, Kamelia took the announcement as a joke and did not expect it to be too applied. On January 6, 2025, teaching and learning activities in schools began after the semester break. At that time, the child was immediately told to sit on the floor, but he did not tell his mother about it. On the following day, January 7, 2025, Kamelia received a similar announcement that required parents to pay tuition arrears so that their children could attend lessons.

Grief mother of students in Medan reveals the reason for delinquent tuition until the child is punished by the teacher sitting on the floor

“Mothers, please cooperate who have not received report cards or have not paid tuition and pay book Money, please visit school because their children are not allowed to attend lessons unless it is not finished,” explained Kamelia mimicked.

Kamelia then sent a voice message to master informing her that she had not been able to visit that day because she was accompanying a patient in her duties as a volunteer in the development policy Assistance Network (JPKP). Only on January 8, 2025, Kamelia had plans to visit school and take care of her child’S tuition fees. He then told the child to leave more often because he had to sell his cellphone to pay for school money.

Read To: New Facts of Jeju Air Accident at Muan Airport: Passenger’s last message revealed

Only at that time, the child dared to complain that he was told to sit on the floor due to tuition arrears. Kamelia was initially unsure and thought her son was just lying or being punished for not doing his job.

Teacher’s Punishment Makes Camelia’s Heart Sad

After she arrived at the school and saw her son sitting on the floor, Kamelia felt too sad and emotional.

Kamelia was visited by her son’s friends and wanted him to take the report card because he could not bear the victim to be punished. “When he was at the gate his friend chased me, held my hand and told me to take the report card of Mahesa because he was sitting on cement,” he said. This then made him feel sad and considered the teacher’s treatment cruel.

“I cried to God like this. When I got to the classroom door, I saw my son actually sitting on the floor. I told you how cruel your teacher is, son, ” said Kamelia. Kamelia also told how heartbroken to see her son punished only because of delinquent tuition amounting to Rp 180,000. “I cried too much because from Monday to Wednesday my son was told to sit on the floor from morning until 1pm,” Kamelia said, recalling her son’s suffering.

Read To: Mahfud MD speaks out after PDIP secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto becomes KPK suspect

Kamelia also claimed to have argued with teacher Haryati who added the punishment. At that time, the teacher insisted that the action was compatible with the school’s ordinance, which prohibits students who have not paid school money to attend lessons.

“I told you, the stipulations that have not been paid and paid off are not allowed to go to school,” Kamelia said imitating Haryati’s speech. It is said that Haryati had told Mahesya to go home because her parents had not paid tuition. But because the 4th grade student was not willing to go home, because Haryati told the student to sit on the floor for hours. “The teacher said, My mother’s son told me to go home but not willing to go home,” he explained. However, as the conversation continued, the principal visited to break up and bring them into the room. Kamelia also asked if the decree was applicable at the school, but the principal said that he was not clear about the action.

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The principal replied that it was not clear why a student was banned from lessons and sat on the floor for hours. “The principal said he didn’t know. Not at all clear and answered No, ” he said.

Help from donors and apology from school

After the viral video about the punishment circulated, many parties added assistance to Kamelia to pay off her child’s school money. The principal of Yayasan Abdi Sukma Medan also visited Kamelia’s residence, but unfortunately there were no representatives from the unscrupulous teachers. “From earlier there were volunteers visiting the principal also came to me and said the case of school money should not be considered,” he said.

Suspensions for teachers involved

Related to this incident, the chairman of the Medan Abdi Sukma Foundation, Ahmad Parlindungan, confirmed that Haryati, the teacher who added the punishment to the student would be given a temporary suspension. “We the foundation will add the exemption from teaching or suspension until a later date,” said Ahmad, Saturday (11/1/2025). Ahmad also said that the younger brother of the student also attended the same school, namely sitting in Grade 1 SD. Both of them are running out of school money. But the younger brother can still participate in teaching and learning, not like his brother who was punished by the homeroom teacher for reasons of delinquent school money. “The mediation is over. Already wanted to apologize. There are 2 children here, the 4th grade and 1st grade elementary school. Class 1 is no problem. “You don’t have to pay for school,” Ahmed said. Related to the special case of the homeroom teacher and parents, according to Ahmad, there is no problem whatsoever.

Source: shopgreytree.com

Ministry of Education supports constitutional court to require religious education in schools

STARTOGEL -the Constitutional Court (MK) ensures that religious education must be a subject that must be in schools so elementary, junior high, high school are equal. This verdict was set against January 3, 2025 by MK Judge Arief Hidayat. Regarding this matter, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (Kemendikdasmen) welcomes and is ready to carry out the Constitutional Court’s decision that requires religious education in schools.

The decision of the Constitutional Court is very appropriate

The decision of the Constitutional Court is very appropriate, along with the 1945 Constitution which affirms the purpose of education to form people who have faith, piety, and noble character. Minister of Education Abdul Mu’ti said, this decree strengthens the National Education System Act 20/2003 which says that every student is entitled to receive religious education in accordance with his religion and taught by educators who are co-religionists. “This law says that every student has the right to receive religious education in accordance with his religion and is taught by educators who are of the same religion,” he said, quoted from the Antara page, Saturday (4/1/2025).

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The decision to require every school in Indonesia to provide additional religious education subjects was revealed by an incorrect one MK Judge Arief Hidayat in a plenary session regarding the material test of Article 12 paragraph 1, and Article 37 paragraph 1 and 2 of Law Number 20 of 2003. The decision of the Constitutional Court also dropped the application from the applicant on behalf of Raymond Kamil and Indra Syahputra who wanted religious education to be an optional subject. The Constitutional Court judge added more than one view on the decree, including religious teaching in education has been going on for a long time and is a consequence of the acceptance of Pancasila as an ideology.

National Education must be carried out democratically and fairly while always respecting human rights, religious values, cultural values, and the diversity of the nation.

Source: shopgreytree.com

Chairman of commission II of the DPR RI Muhammad Rifqinizamy Karsayuda while leading a working meeting of commission II of the DPR with the IKN Authority, in the meeting area of commission II of the DPR RI, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/10/2024).(Doc.DPR RI)

JAKARTA, STARTOGEL -the inauguration of the elected regional head of the 2024 Regional Head election (Pilkada) will be postponed from February 2025 to March 2025. The resignation of the following schedule was confirmed by the chairman of commission II of the House of Representatives Rifqinizamy Karsayuda. According to him, the inauguration of the regional head was postponed because the Constitutional Court (MK) was expected to resolve all cases of disputes over the results of the general election (PHPU) from the 2024 regional election, to March 13, 2025. “And the Constitutional Court will only issue all letters proving that there are no disputes to all governors, elected mayors after the PHPU is completed at the Constitutional Court,” Rifqinizamy said quoted from Antaranews, Thursday (2/1/2025).

Thus, Rifqinizamy said, elected regional heads who do not dispute in the Constitutional Court must always wait for the completion of the trial for election disputes in other regions. In this way, the cutting is done smoothly.

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“That is the basic principle of simultaneous elections. Therefore, those who do not dispute must wait for the completion of the dispute in the Constitutional Court,” he said. However, Rifqinizamy revealed that the resignation of the following inauguration schedule will be decided by the president through the issuance of a new Presidential Regulation. Therefore, he has not been able to confirm the date of the inauguration of the regional head in March 2025. “The form is Perpres (Presidential Regulation), not PKPU (KPU regulation). So at the presidential level, ” Rifqinizamy said.

As is known, referring to Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2024 regarding the procedure for the inauguration of regional heads, the inauguration of elected governors and deputy governors of the 2024 regional elections is scheduled to be held on February 7, 2025. Meanwhile, the inauguration of elected Regents and vice Regents, mayors and elected deputy mayors, from the results of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections, is scheduled to be held on February 10, 2025.

Read To: mahfud-md-speaks-out-after-pdip-secretary-general-hasto-kristiyanto-becomes-kpk-suspect

The Constitutional Court itself will only start the first session with a preliminary control agenda for disputes over the results of the customary determination of governors, regents, and mayors or disputes over the 2024 Pilkada, on January 8, 2025. Then, the preliminary control is carried out no earlier than four working days after the request is registered in the Electronic constitutional case registration book (e-BRPK) which will be carried out on January 3, 2025.

Furthermore, the decision or provision related to the fall or not of the case is scheduled for February 11-13, 2025. For cases that do not fall, continue to the advanced trial control stage which is planned to be carried out on February 14-28, 2025. After that, the court will hold a consultative meeting of judges (RPH) to review the case from the results of the trial continued control of the function of seizing the final verdict. The following RPH is scheduled against 3-6 March 2025. Then, the final decision/decision pronunciation hearing will be held on March 7-11, 2025.

Source: shopgreytree.com

New Facts of Jeju Air Accident at Muan Airport: Passenger's last message revealed

GANDATOTO -the tragic accident of the Jeju Air Boeing 737-800 plane at Muan International Airport, South Korea, on Sunday (29/12/2024) at 09.07 pas local, killing at least 177 people. The incident is one of the deadliest air accidents in South Korean aviation history.

Accident chronology: bird warnings and mayday calls

The plane, along with Flight 2216, took off from Bangkok to Muan before continuing to have problems landing. According to CNN, the pilot made a mayday call after receiving a warning from the control tower that there was a flock of birds in the landing area. The tower officer then instructed the pilot to direct the aircraft to Runway No. 19.

New Facts of Jeju Air Accident at Muan Airport: Passenger's last message revealed

However, when attempting to land, the plane failed to stabilize, skidded off the runway, and crashed into a concrete wall at the end of the airport. Video footage from the area showed the plane landing with the landing gear not fully open, followed by a violent explosion and flames engulfing much of the fuselage.

Last message from passenger

This tragedy is increasingly heartbreaking along with the testimony of a man named Mr. A who claimed to have received the last message from his family who were on the plane. Reported by News1, the next passenger had sent a short message describing the situation on the plane. “The bird got stuck on the wing and we couldn’t land,” the passenger wrote.

Read To: mahfud-md-speaks-out-after-pdip-secretary-general-hasto-kristiyanto-becomes-kpk-suspect

When Mr. A asked when it happened, he received a reply a minute later: “earlier, did I have to make a will?”answer the passenger. “I haven’t been able to hear from my family since I heard there was a problem along with the plane,” Mr. A said along with a trembling voice.

Fire authorities proved that the fuselage suffered critical damage as a result of a large post-collision explosion. The process of extinguishing the fire and evacuating passengers was carried out jointly with the involvement of 32 fire trucks and several helicopters.

Until Sunday at 18.14 pas local, recorded 177 people were declared dead. Of the 181 passengers and crew on board, only two survived, a 22-year-old flight attendant and a 25-year-old flight attendant.

Both were successfully evacuated from the tail member of the aircraft which suffered lighter damage. They were immediately rushed to Mokpo Hospital, and one of the victims was later transferred to a hospital in Seoul at the request of the family.

Preliminary research: landing gear interference and bird strikes

Reporting from Euronews, the initial cause of the accident was ascribed to the failure of the front landing gear system that could not open. In addition, mechanical problems caused by bird attacks are also the focus of the investigation. Joo Jong-wan, a senior official from South Korea’s Transport Ministry, confirmed that an investigation team had arrived in the region to carry out an in-depth investigation.
“We will ensure the investigation is transparent to understand the exact cause of this incident,” he said.

Meanwhile, rescuers have recovered one of the black boxes from the plane. The device is expected to reveal conversations between the pilot and the control tower as well as the state of the flight before the crash.

Jeju Air and Boeing’s response

Jeju Air President Kim E-bae issued an apology to the families of the victims and assured that the routine control of the aircraft before departure did not prove a significant technical problem. On the other hand, Boeing proved its readiness to help the investigation system and also offered condolences to the families of the victims.

Jeju Air and Boeing's response

Deep grief and flight safety evaluation

The tragedy is a reminder of the importance of aviation safety and mitigating technical risks. With the involvement of more than 700 joint personnel from the police, military, and Coast Guard, the evacuation and investigation system is expected to bring clarity soon. It was one of South Korea’s deadliest air accidents since 1997, when a Korean Air plane crashed in Guam, killing 228 people.

Source: shopgreytree.com

Mahfud MD speaks out after PDIP secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto becomes KPK suspect

STARTOGEL – JAKARTA-former Coordinating Minister for political and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD does not want to speculate regarding the determination of the suspect, PDIP secretary general Hasto Kristiyanto, by the Corruption Eradication Commission. Mahfud emphasized that the determination of suspects against Hasto is the authority of the KPK as a law enforcement institution.

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Mahfud invited the KPK to undergo the responsibility of enforcing the law transparently. Mahfud did not question the case of determining the suspect Hasto called a form of legal politicization.

Source: shopgreytree.com

STARTOGEL Choosing the right children's bike is not only about the color and type you like. Be sure to consider the safety of your little one along

STARTOGEL Choosing the right children’s bike is not only about the color and type you like. Be sure to consider the safety of your little one along with determining a bike that has passed rigorous laboratory testing.

Why Is Laboratory Testing Important?

Unsafe children’s bicycles can endanger your little one when cycling. Laboratory testing is carried out to ensure that children’s bicycles meet established safety standards. This standard includes:

Strength and durability of frames and other components
Brake performance
Safety handlebar and wheels
Absence of sharp or dangerous limbs
Compatibility for age and height of the child
By making sure your child’s bike has passed laboratory testing, you can add peace of mind to your child’s cycling time.

Read To: how-to-play-with-texture-in-interior-design

Types of laboratory testing of children’s bicycles

Some common types of laboratory testing carried out on children’s bicycles include:

Bulge test: to make sure there are no sharp or dangerous members on the bike that could injure the child.
Frame and front fork test: to ensure the frame and front fork are strong enough to prevent child load and not lightly broken.
Brake test: to make sure the brake is useful together well and can stop the bike together safely.
Wheel test: to make sure the wheels are firmly attached together and not lightly loose.
Handlebar and handlebar pole test: to make sure the handlebar and handlebar pole are strong enough and not lightly broken.
How to choose a children’s bike that has gone through laboratory testing?

When buying a children’s bike, look for signals or labels that show that the bike has passed laboratory testing. You can also find information about testing labs at the bike manufacturer’s website or at your local bike shop.

Here are some additional tips for determining a safe children’s bike:

Choose a suitable bike along with the age and height of the child.
Make sure the child can sit together comfortably on the bike and his feet can touch the ground together with the average sitting time in the lowest saddle.
Check the brakes and make sure they come in handy together well.
Make sure the wheels are firmly attached together and do not come off lightly.
Always supervise children when cycling and make sure they use helmets.
By determining a child’s bike that has passed laboratory testing and following the tips above, you can help ensure your little one is safe and satisfied cycling time.

Source: shopgreytree.com

There are many ways in which you can add interest to your homes and bring your interiors to life, but one of the most effective methods is to have a lot of fun with texture

There are many ways in which you can add interest to your homes and bring your interiors to life, but one of the most effective methods is to have a lot of fun with texture… a really playful approach to interior design and one that opens up a wealth of opportunities to create unique and exciting living spaces that you’ll love for years to come.

Understanding just what texture encompasses is absolutely key and it’s not just about bringing in different fabrics and leaving it at that. This is the natural place to begin, of course, but you also need to factor in visual texture as well as physical – and lighting forms an essential part of this.

To get going, focus on using different materials throughout your space. Use your curtain choice as a focal point, something that you can base other decisions around. 

This is a wise move, since your drapes make up a significant proportion of the room and will be what people notice first. Excellent textures to go for include velvet, brocade and linen, as these are warm and tactile, hanging heavy in the window and creating a wonderfully luxurious look and feel.

Once you’ve got your curtains sorted, you can think about other furnishings and how you can use these to your advantage. 

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A velvet sofa would be a lovely choice and work well with the drapes, lending a touch of opulence to proceedings, but don’t forget to try out different contrasts and patterns so that you can build a sense of balance, while creating interest at the same time.

Colour and shape are also important textural elements to take into account, so make sure you factor these in when putting your mood boards together.

Whatever textural sources you go for, aim to create a layered look so that everything feels very multidimensional. This will help prevent your interiors from feeling flat.

Once you feel as though everything is working cohesively, you can add an extra element by playing around with the lighting system. Different lights can immediately change how the room feels, as well as looks, so have a think about what you want to achieve, marrying style and substance to perfection.

Ultimately, what you’re aiming for is a multisensory experience, one that engages all your senses and ensures that you have wonderfully captivating rooms that don’t compromise on function and practicality.

What you first need to do, however, is develop your understanding of the purpose and function of your living spaces. This will ensure that you choose the best and most appropriate elements to bring in, helping you to narrow down your choices and stopping you from feeling overwhelmed.

If you’d like any further help or advice relating to texture in interior design, get in touch with the Pret A Vivre team today.

Source: shopgreytree.com

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