-related to the viral subject of students in Medan who were told to sit on the floor for hours by their teacher, the victim’s mother opened her voice. It is known that the child was punished for arrears in tuition fees for three months, along with a quantity of Rp 180,000. This punishment is known to take place from January 6 to January 8, 2025, in the middle of teaching and learning activities.
The student’s mother, Kamelia, revealed the reason why she had not paid her son’s school fees. He said that the reason he had not paid the child’S tuition fee was because the funds from the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) of Rp 450,000 had not been disbursed.
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This makes it difficult to pay school money because so far the cost of her child’s school is paid together with the school operational assistance fund (BOS) and KIP. “Anyway, six months financed take advantage of BOS funds, 6 months pay from July to December. If it’s liquid, I spend Rp 450,000 on school costs, I never take it,” said Kamelia when met at her residence on Friday (10/1/2025), as reported by
Parents ‘ Petition Rejected
Before the punishment was given, Kamelia admitted that she already wanted a dispensation to the homeroom teacher so that her child could take the semester exam in December 2024 even though the tuition money had not been paid. He made the request due to difficult financial circumstances coupled with the pain he experienced at that time. At that time, the school allowed his son to take the exam, but he was not allowed to take the report card.
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At First The Mother Did Not Believe
In the era of school holidays, there was an announcement through a WhatsApp group that showed that students who had not paid tuition and book Money were not allowed to attend lessons. However, Kamelia took the announcement as a joke and did not expect it to be too applied. On January 6, 2025, teaching and learning activities in schools began after the semester break. At that time, the child was immediately told to sit on the floor, but he did not tell his mother about it. On the following day, January 7, 2025, Kamelia received a similar announcement that required parents to pay tuition arrears so that their children could attend lessons.

“Mothers, please cooperate who have not received report cards or have not paid tuition and pay book Money, please visit school because their children are not allowed to attend lessons unless it is not finished,” explained Kamelia mimicked.
Kamelia then sent a voice message to master informing her that she had not been able to visit that day because she was accompanying a patient in her duties as a volunteer in the development policy Assistance Network (JPKP). Only on January 8, 2025, Kamelia had plans to visit school and take care of her child’S tuition fees. He then told the child to leave more often because he had to sell his cellphone to pay for school money.
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Only at that time, the child dared to complain that he was told to sit on the floor due to tuition arrears. Kamelia was initially unsure and thought her son was just lying or being punished for not doing his job.
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After she arrived at the school and saw her son sitting on the floor, Kamelia felt too sad and emotional.
Kamelia was visited by her son’s friends and wanted him to take the report card because he could not bear the victim to be punished. “When he was at the gate his friend chased me, held my hand and told me to take the report card of Mahesa because he was sitting on cement,” he said. This then made him feel sad and considered the teacher’s treatment cruel.
“I cried to God like this. When I got to the classroom door, I saw my son actually sitting on the floor. I told you how cruel your teacher is, son, ” said Kamelia. Kamelia also told how heartbroken to see her son punished only because of delinquent tuition amounting to Rp 180,000. “I cried too much because from Monday to Wednesday my son was told to sit on the floor from morning until 1pm,” Kamelia said, recalling her son’s suffering.
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Kamelia also claimed to have argued with teacher Haryati who added the punishment. At that time, the teacher insisted that the action was compatible with the school’s ordinance, which prohibits students who have not paid school money to attend lessons.
“I told you, the stipulations that have not been paid and paid off are not allowed to go to school,” Kamelia said imitating Haryati’s speech. It is said that Haryati had told Mahesya to go home because her parents had not paid tuition. But because the 4th grade student was not willing to go home, because Haryati told the student to sit on the floor for hours. “The teacher said, My mother’s son told me to go home but not willing to go home,” he explained. However, as the conversation continued, the principal visited to break up and bring them into the room. Kamelia also asked if the decree was applicable at the school, but the principal said that he was not clear about the action.
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The principal replied that it was not clear why a student was banned from lessons and sat on the floor for hours. “The principal said he didn’t know. Not at all clear and answered No, ” he said.
Help from donors and apology from school
After the viral video about the punishment circulated, many parties added assistance to Kamelia to pay off her child’s school money. The principal of Yayasan Abdi Sukma Medan also visited Kamelia’s residence, but unfortunately there were no representatives from the unscrupulous teachers. “From earlier there were volunteers visiting the principal also came to me and said the case of school money should not be considered,” he said.
Suspensions for teachers involved
Related to this incident, the chairman of the Medan Abdi Sukma Foundation, Ahmad Parlindungan, confirmed that Haryati, the teacher who added the punishment to the student would be given a temporary suspension. “We the foundation will add the exemption from teaching or suspension until a later date,” said Ahmad, Saturday (11/1/2025). Ahmad also said that the younger brother of the student also attended the same school, namely sitting in Grade 1 SD. Both of them are running out of school money. But the younger brother can still participate in teaching and learning, not like his brother who was punished by the homeroom teacher for reasons of delinquent school money. “The mediation is over. Already wanted to apologize. There are 2 children here, the 4th grade and 1st grade elementary school. Class 1 is no problem. “You don’t have to pay for school,” Ahmed said. Related to the special case of the homeroom teacher and parents, according to Ahmad, there is no problem whatsoever.